League of Women Voters of the Charlottesville Area

"The League of Women Voters encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy."

Positions of the League of Women Voters:  National, State, Local

The League of Women Voters, through a consensus process with all local leagues, has adopted positions and takes action on the subjects listed below on this website page at three levels: national (LWVUS), Virginia (LWV-VA), and Charlottesville Area (LWV-CVA).

NOTE:  The League of Women Voters Education Fund Clearinghouse has a website which contains studies and research conducted by League members.  Visitors may download and print the documents.  League members may submit documents for this site.  Go to:   


Below are the current LWV Positions for the national, state and local levels.  For information on any positions, contact the League office at lwv@lwv-cva.org. On this page:



See LWV US “Impact on Issues – 2022-24” at https://www.lwv.org/impact-issues.

Representative Government

  • Voting Rights
  •         Citizen’s Right to Vote
  •         DC Self-Government and Full Voting Representation
  • The Election Process
  •         Apportionment
  •         Redistricting
  •         Money in Politics (formerly Campaign Finance)
  •         Selection of President
  •         Voter Representation/Electoral Systems
  • Citizen Rights
  •         Citizen’s Right to Know/Citizen Participation
  •         Individual Liberties
  • Evaluating Constitutional Amendment Proposals and Constitutional Conventions
  •         Constitutional Amendment Proposals
  •         Constitutional Conventions
  •         Public Policy on Reproductive Choices
  • Congress and the Presidency
  •        Congress
  •        The Presidency
  • Privatization

International Relations

  • United Nations
  • Trade
  • Developing Countries
  • Arms Control
  • Military Policy and Defense Spending


Natural Resources

  • Resource Management
  • Environmental Protection and Pollution Control
  •        Air Quality
  •        Water Resources
  •        Solid Waste
  •        Nuclear Waste
  • Transfer of Federal Public Lands
  • Climate Change
  •        Public Participation
  •        Agriculture Policies

Social Policy

  • Equality of Opportunity
  •        Employment
  •        Fair Housing
  •        Nondiscrimination & Affirmative Action
  •        Pay Equity
  •        Equal Rights for Women
  •        Same Gender Equality
  •        Education
  • Federal Role in Public Education Position
  • Fiscal Policy
  •        Tax Policy
  • Health Care – For LWV Health Care Reform Toolkit, go to https://lwvhealthcarereform.org/
  • Immigration
  • Meeting Basic Human Needs
  •        Income Assistance
  •        Housing Supply
  •        Transportation
  • Child Care
  • Early Intervention for Children at Risk
  • Transportation
  • Violence Prevention
  • Gun Control
  • Urban Policy
  • Death Penalty
  • Meeting Basic Human Needs
  • Health Care
  • Early Intervention for Children at Risk
  • Violence Prevention
  • Death Penalty
  • Sentencing Policy
  • Human Trafficking


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Go to lwv-va.org Click on “Action” on homepage.


  • Delegation of Power
  • Election Laws
  • Fiscal Policy
  • Reapportionment and Redistricting
  • Transportation
  • Women’s Rights in Virginia Law

Natural Resources

  • Air Quality
  • Extractive Industries: Hydraulic Fracking
  • Land Use
  • Water Supply and Distribution

Social Policy

  • Adult Domestic Violence
  • Adult Justice
  • Child Care
  • Children at Risk
  • Education
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Mental Health
  • Rights of Felons in Virginia
  • Offender Re-entry


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Go to lwv-cva.org See below this list for complete “Positioned for Action” description. (To be in the 2024-2025 Member Handbook.)


  • Intergovernmental Cooperation
  • Tax System
  • Magisterial Districts
  • Reapportionment and Redistricting
  • Election Integrity
  • Electoral Systems
  • Transportation

Natural Resources

  • Climate Change
  • Energy
  • Land Use
  • Water
  • Waste Management

Social Policy

  • Child Care
  • Education (see below for 2021-22 Education Study Report)
  • Firearms Safety
  • Health and Family Life Education and Health Services in Area Public Schools
  • Housing
  • Regional Library System


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As described in the 2024-2025 LWV CVA Member Handbook


Intergovernmental Cooperation

Position: Cooperation among local governing bodies is essential to effective governing.

Action: Support long-range planning; sharing and/or consolidating resources, services, and structures; and increased cooperation between Charlottesville, Albemarle County, and the University of Virginia.

Tax System

Position: Fair and flexible taxation is vital to raising revenue to support governmental initiatives.

Action: Support a fair and flexible tax system necessary for responsive government, using the following criteria in evaluating taxation proposals and/or reform measures: equity, including the ability to pay and benefits received; consistency with social and economic goals of the community and the LWV; efficiency of administration, including computation, payment and collection methods, and public understanding; adequacy of revenue,  including ability to adjust to changes in economic conditions.

Magisterial Districts

Position: Magisterial districts should be designed to maximize effective representational government.

Action: Support having an odd number of magisterial districts in the counties. Support a mix of urban and rural residents in each district when possible, taking into account natural geographic boundaries and communities.

Reapportionment and Redistricting

Position: Representative government and effective governing depend on elective districts that fairly reflect the population.

Action: Support local efforts to promote fair state redistricting laws.

Electoral Systems and Election Integrity

Position: Fair and free elections that maximize participation are critical to representative government.

Action: Support public education on integrity in our local election system and the potential for disruptive disinformation campaigns or voter suppression. Work with others, such as local registrars, in assuring accuracy in our voting system.

Support voting measures that enhance voter access and voter participation such as no requirement for a witness with absentee ballots or to show a photo ID at a voting location; and advocate for secure drop off locations with drop box locks or seals, and staffing location with manned and/or video camera surveillance.

Support voting precincts of the Charlottesville area having sufficient resources to implement cyber security practices and state certification of all election equipment such as electronic pollbooks, ballot scanners and secure transfer of tabulation data.

Support transparency, security, and accountability in local post-election audits and risk-limiting audits which follow best practices and are done using state standards.

Support dissemination of local voting information by public announcements and offering non-partisan candidate forums.

Support use of auditable, re-countable voter verified paper ballots marked by hand or, for voters with disabilities, the use of a ballot marking device that produces a paper or card ballot.

Support the method (or system) of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for local elections which allows all candidates to be ranked. Support citizen education on RCV.


Position: Public transportation and varied modes of transportation are needed for the sustainability of our communities and the well-being of their residents.

Action: Support a balanced transportation system with fixed-route bus service offered day and evening for the entire urban population and, where the need can be demonstrated, fixed-route rural service. Support of coordinated transportation services. Work to implement development of bike paths. Monitor traffic patterns and problems in the greater Charlottesville areas.


Position: Preservation and improvement of the quality, use and availability of natural Resources are needed for sustainable communities and healthy populations.

Climate Change

Action: Support inclusion of goals and policies that are consistent with the best available climate science in the plans and decisions adopted by our local governments and the activities of our communities.


Action: Support environmentally sound policies and activities that promote efficient use and conservation of energy and the use of renewable energy sources, and the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Action: Support a balanced transportation system with fixed-route bus service offered day and evening for the entire urban population and, where the need can be demonstrated, fixed-route rural service. Support of coordinated transportation services. Work to implement development of bike paths. Monitor traffic patterns and problems in the greater Charlottesville areas.

Land Use

Action: Support regional planning procedures which inform the public of the direct and indirect costs and benefits related to land use. Support of land use standards for the location, intensity of use, open-space access, and services that will satisfy immediate human needs and give long-term protection to the total environment, with emphasis on implementation and enforcement of ordinances, as well as on education. Continued evaluation of and action on issues related to land use management: comprehensive plans, watershed management, zoning ordinances, and management of waste. Support of decisions on the use or reuse of land that agree with the League of Women Voters of the US stewardship principles.


Action: Support policies and procedures which promote long-range planning and conservation of water resources through water conservation and watershed management of ground and surface waters, specifically: (1) develop conservation programs that include drought management as a key element in water supply planning, (2) reduce water usage by pricing and water-saving plumbing codes, (3) require users of ground water supplies to meet or exceed the standards of the State Department of Health, and (4) support septic system regulations that protect groundwater. Support for policies and infrastructure that protect the quality and quantity of surface water, ground water, and drinking water. Support for policies that manage storm water runoff to control erosion, silting, and transport of pollutants. Continued studying and monitoring of both ground and surface water issues and the implementation of water management plans, and advocating where appropriate.

Waste Management

Action: Support policies that reduce the generation of waste and promote reuse and recycling of materials. Support for policies that ensure safe disposal of solid and hazardous wastes, in order to protect public health and air, water and land resources.

Action: Support regional planning procedures which inform the public of the direct and indirect costs and benefits related to land use. Support of land use standards for the location, intensity of use, open-space access, and services that will satisfy immediate human needs and give long-term protection to the total environment, with emphasis on implementation and enforcement of ordinances, as well as on education. Continued evaluation of and action on issues related to land use management: comprehensive plans, watershed management, zoning ordinances, and management of waste. Support of decisions on the use or reuse of land that agree with the League of Women Voters of the US stewardship principles.


Child Care

Position: High quality, affordable and accessible child care is vital to the healthy development of children and the well-being of families.

Action: Support community-based efforts to improve the quality and affordability of and accessibility to child care in the Charlottesville area. Advocate for: 1) increased business and local government support for child care and 2) improved information for parents and the community at large regarding available child care and the quality and performance of child care providers. Support Virginia’s quality improvement programs at the local level.  Support improved and increased training and education for local child care workers.


Position: High quality public education is crucial for the lifelong health and well-being of individuals growing up in our communities.

Action: Support equal access to a quality public educational system from pre-kindergarten through high school with adequate funding, competent personnel, well-maintained facilities, and adequate resources and supplies.

Action: Support the following physical and behavioral health services and programs: a dedicated health space, which conforms to state and national guidelines; sufficient professional staff and funding for each school’s health service needs; school advisory boards which include health professionals, parents and community members; a qualified and trained director of school health programs; funding for community health resources to assist

Support specified statements to assure quality education, particularly addressing the needs of diverse student populations in the Charlottesville Area school systems.

Support local policies that promote learning by recognizing that the basic needs of all children include health care and adequate nutrition.

Support funding for pre-kindergarten programs and full-day kindergarten programs for all students.

Support curriculum and programs that prepare students for a 21st century workforce by providing emphasis on scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical skills.

Support curriculum and programs that enable students to critically evaluate information found on the internet and other media including skills to understand rights and privacy.

Support all aspects of community education.

Support specific ways to attract and retain quality classroom teachers and to encourage excellence in teaching. Continued monitoring of local school systems, with special emphasis on expenditures and funding sources, education and extracurricular programs, salaries, and responsibilities, and citizen involvement. Special attention to potential major changes in local school systems.

Support cost-effective secure high-speed internet access throughout the Charlottesville area.

Gun Violence Prevention*

Position: Policies to reduce gun violence are necessary for safe communities.

Action: Monitor and take action on Gun Violence Prevention legislation. Support local, state, and federal measures to limit the accessibility and regulate the ownership of firearms by private citizens.

Heath Care Equity*

Position: High quality, affordable and accessible health care is vital to the health and well-being of residents.

Action: Monitor and take action to support efforts to improve access to affordable, quality health care and health equity in the Charlottesville area, with a particular focus on disparities affecting vulnerable populations; partner with other local organizations and coalitions to identify needs and develop strategies to address them.

Health and Family Life Education and Health Services in Area Public Schools

Position: Physical and behavioral health services and programs are important to address the needs of area youth.

Action: Support the following physical and behavioral health services and programs: a dedicated health space, which conforms to state and national guidelines; sufficient professional staff and funding for each school’s health service needs; school advisory boards which include health professionals, parents and community members; a qualified and trained director of school health programs; funding for community health resources to assist school health services and programs; and health, social emotional learning, and family life education in our area schools which includes; regular periodic review of curriculum to ensure updating with new information or materials and to meet needs that are identified; more age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education, instruction regarding positive coping skills, resilience, violence and suicide prevention; continued training of teachers in curricula and issues; use of experts to participate in education of students and teacher training, identifying additional resource materials and making them available to students, parents and teachers, increasing community and family understanding of and involvement in such programs.


Position: Affordable housing is critical to the health and well-being of residents.

Action: Monitor and take action on housing programs in the Charlottesville area. Work for availability and affordability.

Regional Library System

Position: High quality, accessible public libraries are important for sustainable communities.

Action: Support equal access to a quality regional library system with well-qualified personnel and adequate facilities, resources, and services. Support of appropriate levels of local funding. Monitor major changes in library services.

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  • Voter Services meets Oct.8th at 5pm online. Contact Kim Harris for details.
  • LWV CVA Board of Directors Meeting -
  • October. 17th at Northside Avenue Library Meeting Room 3- 5 pm
  • Gun Violence Prevention Committee meets Monday, October 28th at 3pm online. Contact Meg Heubeck for details.
  • Natural Resources Committee Meeting Meets on Monday, Monday, October 28th at 4pm at the Piedmont Environmental Council Office .Contact Linda Goodling linniecg740@gmail.com for details

League of Women Voters
of the Charlottesville Area
Mailing Address:
PO Box 2786
Charlottesville, VA  22902
Email:  lwv@lwv-cva.org

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© 2023 LWV CVA. All Rights Reserved.

The League of Women Voters never supports or opposes candidates for office, or political parties, and any use of the League of Women Voters name in campaign advertising or literature has not been authorized by the League.
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