2024 is the Year of the Vote!

Every 4 years Virginians have the opportunity to vote in 3 elections. The March 5th, 2024 Primary Election decided who Virginian’s chose to be their candidate for President  in both the Republican and the Democratic Parties. On June 26th, 2024 Virginians again go to the polls for the Primary Election  to decide each party’s choice for their candidate for US Senator and US Representative. November 5th is General Election Day. In the General Election this year all three Federal positions : President/Vice President, US Senator, House Rep. will be chosen from the Republican, Democratic and Independent candidates running for these offices. Like the March 5th Primary, the June Primary and the General Election have Early Voting for the 45 days leading up to each election.

When the Office of the Presidency is on the ballot there is greater voter turnout. This gives the League opportunities to Get Out the Vote, first to register and then keeping up the momentum to get those registered voters to the polls to vote .In 2024, there is a growing emphasis on encouraging the countries youth, whose demographic is now the largest segment of the potential voting population. This is group is more diverse and more tolerant of diversity than its predecessors. They are less devoted to a particular party.

Talking up the issues that the League support and getting friends, family, and communities we belong to can help with our pus to make 2024 as the Year of the Vote.

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